COVID-19 Resources to Help You
When it comes to COVID-19, we realize there is a lot of misinformation out there, and we want you to have the information you need in order to stay safe.
At Brook Stone, we are prepared to face this challenge.
There have been no cases of COVID-19 at Brook Stone.
We are continuing to closely monitor the situation to be sure our residents and our employees are able to stay safe.
Everything we do is centered around the safety of your loved one.
That’s why we have restricted visitation at Brook Stone.
We will make an announcement when the restriction has been lifted.
Information You Need About COVID-19
We wanted to provide a place where you can get up-to-date, reliable information about COVID-19 and the common-sense measures you can use to keep you safe.
How to Protect Yourself
We suggest following all the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control as well as the NC Department of Health and Human Services.
These recommendations include:
- Washing your hand thoroughly and often with soap and warm water. Be sure you wash them for 20 seconds.
- Practice social distancing.
- Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if you’ve not washed your hands first.
- If possible, don’t be in contact with those who are sick.
- Thoroughly clean areas that are frequently touched, such as doorknobs, handles, television remotes.
Need More Information? We Have Reliable Resources
Many people share information on Facebook or social media with the best intentions. However, often this information is flawed at best and dangerous at worst.
It’s vital that you know the reliable resources that are available at your fingertips. We recommend:
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID-19 update page
- The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 updates
You may also find it useful to look at information from “official” large health care organizations such as the Mayo Clinic’s COVID-19 page and the similar page at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
The Safety of Your Loved One is Our Top Priority
We are monitoring developments related to COVID-19 and are closely following the situation. We want you to be confident that we are doing everything to take care of your loved one and keep him or her safe.